WWE Monday Night RAW Results 鈥 May 23rd, 2022

Backstage, Alexa Bliss is asked about how she feels being back on 鈥淩aw鈥. She says it鈥檚 been great. She says she has a match tonight against Nikki A.S.H. Bliss says they used to be best friends but it鈥檚 better now because now she鈥檚 best friends with a doll and Nikki dresses like a superhero.

Alexa Bliss makes her entrance.

We go to a commercial break.

Back from the break, Bliss is waiting in the ring.

Nikki A.S.H. makes her entrance, accompanied by Doudrop.

Alexa Bliss vs. Nikki A.S.H. (with Doudrop)

Corey Graves recounts Sasha Banks & Naomi鈥檚 walkout last Monday and how they 鈥渄isappointed the WWE Universe鈥 and also cost Nikki and Doudrop a shot at being in the canceled 6-way #1 contender鈥檚 match. Nikki suckers Bliss into a handshake and hits her with a forearm but Bliss quickly responds and sends Nikki out of the ring. Bliss pulls Nikki back into the ring by her hair but Nikki fires up and grounds Bliss with some punches and a variation on a cobra clutch.

Bliss escapes and hits a dropkick to take down Nikki. Nikki pushes Bliss into the corner and lifts her up onto the top rope. Nikki goes up and tries for a superplex but Bliss fights her off. Nikki falls back to the mat. Bliss goes all the way to the top rope and hits Twisted Bliss for the pin.

Winner: Alexa Bliss via pinfall

Bliss grabs Lilly and makes her exit back up the aisle.

  WWE Monday Night RAW Results 鈥 May 16th, 2022

The commentary team set up a recap of Sonya Deville鈥檚 contract as a WWE official being terminated and Alexa Bliss making her return to quickly defeat Deville.

Alexa Bliss makes her entrance and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break, Sonya Deville makes her entrance.

Alexa Bliss vs. Sonya Deville

Deville is aggressive from the start and backs Bliss into the corner. Bliss slaps Deville in the face, ducks a clothesline, and hits a dropkick. Bliss drops a double knee on Deville but misses an attempted backflip into another double knee. Deville rolls her up for a 2-count. Deville is jawing at Bliss and she beats on her. Deville goes to a chin lock and grounds Bliss. Bliss fights back to her feet and elbows out of it. Bliss hits a lawbreaker but Deville cuts her off again and his a running knee to her face for a 2-count.

Deville removes the top turnbuckle pad. She slams Bliss down with a spinebuster but the referee was repairing the turnbuckle pad and Bliss kicks out at 2. Commentary thinks Deville had Bliss beaten. Bliss quickly turns the tide and finishes off Deville with her DDT for the pin.

Winner: Alexa Bliss via pinfall

Deville argues with the referee after the match. She finally slaps the ref in the face and leaves the ring. The commentary team says there will be consequences for that.

  WWE Monday Night RAW Results – May 9th, 2022

Sonya Deville vs. Alexa Bliss

We go back to the ring and out comes Sonya Deville to face her mystery opponent. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Deville waits in the ring but Adam Pearce comes out. He says he tried explaining this earlier but the investigation into Deville has concluded and upper management found that Deville recklessly abuses her power, so now her contract as a WWE official is terminated. Pearce says Deville is still a WWE Superstar. He then introduces her opponent and out comes the returning Alexa Bliss, who is all smiles. Bliss hits the ring and poses on the apron.

Bliss brings Lilly in the ring with her and continues posing on the ropes. She places Lilly on the top turnbuckle and then we get the bell. Deville stalls some as fans chant 鈥渨elcome back!鈥 to Bliss. Bliss immediately drops Deville with a DDT. Bliss goes right to the top for Twisted Bliss and she hits it for the pin to get the quick win.

Winner: Alexa Bliss

鈥 After the match, Bliss is thrilled while she celebrates to her music starting up. Deville is crying at ringside as we go to replays. Bliss takes Lilly and heads to the back while Deville throws a fit at ringside.

  WWE Monday Night Raw Results – July 12, 2021

Alexa Bliss is backstage on Alexa鈥檚 Playground, sitting on a swing. She talks about how exciting RAW is and looks to possibly winning the Money In the Bank briefcase, and the kind of fun she can have with the contract. Eva Marie interrupts and is sitting on a swing, with Doudrop sitting behind her. Eva wants to be introduced. Bliss goes on about how she likes Doudrop鈥檚 name. They laugh about it but Eva isn鈥檛 thrilled. Bliss asks Doudrop a question, to describe her time on RAW in one word, but Eva interrupts and goes on taking credit for everything like usual, including last week鈥檚 match. Bliss calls Eva a bonus guest but she鈥檚 not happy with that idea because she鈥檚 the star of RAW, a headliner. Eva goes on and calls this a dingy, dirty, grubby, little playground. Eva says she can see why Bliss only invited Doudrop. Eva calls on Doudrop to leave with her and says the Eva-Lution deserves so much better. Doudrop waves at Bliss and walks off behind Eva as Bliss mocks Eva.

Nikki A.S.H. vs. Asuka vs. Naomi vs. Alexa Bliss

We go back to the ring for tonight鈥檚 Fatal 4 Way with the RAW entrants for the Women鈥檚 Money In the Bank Ladder Match. Out first comes Nikki A.S.H. as the music hits. She poses in the corner as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and out next comes Asuka. We see a promo from earlier in the day where Asuka rants about Money In the Bank and how no champion will be ready for her when she wins the contract. Naomi is out next. Alexa Bliss is out last.

The bell rings and Naomi dropkicks Nikki and Asuka to the floor. Naomi runs Alexa into the corner and delivers shoulders. Naomi unloads in the corner. Bliss slaps her out of the corner and ends up hitting a crossbody for 2. Asuka comes back in but as does Cross from behind with a 2 count on Asuka. Cross and Naomi tangle for a quick pin attempt. Naomi and Asuka clear the ring and are left standing now. Asuka taunts Naomi. Naomi ducks a kick and they trade big strikes in the middle of the ring now. They both nail kicks at the same time and go down.

Bliss slowly slithers back in, as does Nikki. They look up at the Money In the Bank briefcases. Nikki swings first. Nikki blocks Sister Abigail and Nikki drops her. Eva Marie and Doudrop slowly walk down the ramp now. Bliss and Nikki stare them down. Naomi attacks Nikki. Asuka takes out Naomi. Bliss drops Asuka with a DDT for a close 2 count. Bliss sit sup in the middle of the ring and wave at Doudrop, which Eva doesn鈥檛 like.

Bliss exits the ring and Eva pushes Doudrop towards her. Doudrop, possibly nervously, says some stuff to Bliss but Bliss pats her on the shoulder, then walks past her and stalks Eva up the ramp. Eva pleads. Bliss screams at Eva to make her jump. Doudrop makes the save and attacks Bliss. Doudrop coops Bliss on her shoulders and rams her into the barrier, sending Bliss over the other side of the barrier. Doudrop dusts her hands off. Eva walks over and looks down at the floor but Bliss is nowhere to be seen. Eva yells at Doudrop to know where Bliss is as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Bliss is still gone as the other three trade offense. Asuka drops Nikki, then bulldogs Naomi. She covers Nikki for a 2 count, then Naomi for a 2 count. Naomi with a big kick to Asuka鈥檚 head. Naomi scoops Nikki and drops her face-first on the mat. Naomi with a big suplex to Asuka. Naomi with a running double split on both competitors at the same time for a close 2 count. Naomi goes for a double kick but Nikki moves and Asuka takes it. Asuka kicks out at 2.

Nikki ends up dropping Naomi with a big tornado DDT from the corner. Asuka breaks the pin up at 2. Asuka and Nikki get up first. Nikki sends Asuka through the ropes to the floor. Nikki and Naomi go at it now. They tangle and Nikki applies a submission but Asuka breaks it up just in time. Asuka with the arm bar on Naomi now. Nikki breaks it with a seated senton to Asuka. All three are down and trying to recover now. Nikki goes to the top and hits a crossbody to Asuka but Naomi breaks it up just in time.

Cross sends Naomi to the apron but then runs into a big kick. Asuka drops Naomi with double knees. Niki rolls Asuka for 2. Asuka blocks another pin attempt and goes for the Asuka Lock but Nikki fights it off. Nikki turns that counter into a pin for the win.

Winner: Nikki A.S.H.

After the match, Nikki celebrates as her music hits.

  WWE Monday Night Raw Results – July 5, 2021

Reginald, Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler are backstage talking about Doudrop. Alexa Bliss is seen in the background just staring at them but only Reginald sees her. Baszler yells at him, she鈥檚 had enough. She tells Reginald to get himself together. Jax defends Reginald and says they all just want to get through this match because things have been tough. They walk off together and we see Bliss standing there in the shadows again.

Back from the break and we see what happened last week with Alexa Bliss, Shayna Baszler, Nikki Cross, Nia Jax and Reginald. Asuka, Cross and Naomi are backstage now. Naomi is happy for Nikki鈥檚 new look. Asuka always wanted to team with a superhero. Cross isn鈥檛 a superhero like Black Widow, she鈥檚 almost a superhero, she says. Cross began to believe in herself and now she has a chance at winning Money In the Bank. Naomi says she鈥檚 winning Money In the Bank. Asuka says she鈥檚 winning the match. Cross heads out to the ring and Alexa Bliss appears.

Alexa Bliss, Nikki Cross, Asuka and Naomi vs. Eva Marie, Doudrop, Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler

We go back to the ring and out comes Nikki Cross. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Asuka, Naomi and then Alexa Bliss are out. Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler are out with Reginald for their team. Eva Marie and Doudrop are out together.

Naomi starts off with Doudrop. Eva tags in before they get going. They lock up and Eva takes it to the corner but Naomi shoves her away. Eva with a forearm and a tag to Doudrop. Naomi dropkicks Doudrop off the apron to the floor. Naomi flies and takes out Jax and Baszler.

Asuka with a Hip Attack off the apron to Doudrop. Cross with a plancha to Doudrop. Eva turns around to Bliss screaming at her. Eva goes down on the floor as we go to commercial as Bliss smiles and stares ahead.

Back from the break and Bliss is hitting Doudrop with forearms. Doudrop decks her. Bliss runs the ropes and leaps onto the ropes to pose, staring at Doudrop. Nikki tags in but Doudrop rag-dolls her. Cross comes back and dropkicks Doudrop to one knee. Asuka tags in and unloads on Doudrop with kicks. Doudrop catches a kick and delivers a headbutt to drop Asuka. Jax is tagged in. Jax and Doudrop sandwich Asuka with double splashes on their feet. Jax covers for a quick pin.

Jax goes to work on Asuka and splashes her, then drops an elbow for 2. Reginald claps for Jax as she takes Asuka to the corner for a tag to Baszler. Baszler beats Asuka up while Jax holds her. Baszler drops Asuka for a 2 count. Baszler mounts Asuka with strikes as fans boo. Eva ends up tagging in and kicking at Asuka while she鈥檚 down in the corner. Jax comes back in and scoops Asuka for a big slam. Asuka kicks out at 2.

Riddle vs. AJ Styles is confirmed for later. Jax ends up knocking Cross off the apron but she turns around to Asuka unloading with strikes. Jax drops her with a headbutt. Bliss stares Reginald down, controlling him with her gaze. Baszler tries to stop him but he slowly walks towards Bliss. Baszler grabs Bliss and attacks, launching her into the barrier. Jax drops Asuka in the ring as Baszler reminds Reginald to leave Bliss alone. Baszler ends up knocked off the apron as Jax misses a running shoulder to Asuka in the corner, knocking Baszler off.

Eva comes in but Asuka goes to work on her. Eva tags right back out. Baszler comes in but Asuka takes her down into an arm bar. Baszler reverses it. Naomi tags in. Asuka launches Baszler onto the mat and Naomi covers for 2. Doudrop makes the save and levels Asuka. Doudrop with a running corner cannonball to Naomi. Asuka drops Doudrop with knees. Baszler drops Asuka with a big knee. Cross leaps from the top onto Baszler with a crossbody. Eva breaks the pin up but Cross sends her to the floor.

Baszler and Cross tangle. Cross rolls her up but Jax was legal and Cross didn鈥檛 realize it. Cross fights out of a Samoan Drop and they tangle some more until Jax nails the Samoan Drop. Jax covers for the pin to win.

Winners: Eva Marie, Doudrop, Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler

After the match, Mike Rome goes to announce the winners but Eva takes the mic and announces herself as the sole winner. Jax and Baszler aren鈥檛 happy. Doudrop stands with Eva at ringside but seems to be apologizing to Jax and Baszler for Eva鈥檚 antics.

  WWE Monday Night Raw Results – June 14, 2021

Tonight鈥檚 WWE Hell In a Cell go-home edition of RAW on the USA Network opens up with Alexa Bliss backstage on her swing. She welcomes us and is happy to have us tonight, but she did get a bunch of feedback on how Lilly acted last week to Shayna Baszler. Bliss admits even she was taken aback. We get a brief video package of what happened last week. Bliss says she had only good intentions when she invited Baszler to Alexa鈥檚 Playground, but unfortunately things got a little out of hand. Bliss says due to Lilly鈥檚 naughtiness and because WWE is going back on the road soon, Bliss has decided to put Lilly in time out. That doesn鈥檛 mean Baszler didn鈥檛 get what she deserved.

Nia Jax appears. Bliss plays her schtick up but Jax tells her to cut the crap. Jax tells Bliss that Baszler will see her on Sunday at WWE Hell In a Cell. Jax wonders what happened to Bliss. They used to be friends, Jax knows the real her. Jax wants Bliss to stay away from her friends and out of her career. Bliss changes her tone and says they were never friends. Jax says she has to smack some sense into Bliss now. She proposes a match with Bliss in the ring tonight. Bliss starts crying and says she never meant to hurt anyone. The tears turn to laughs and she says she was just kidding. Bliss stands up and gets in Jax鈥檚 face, and accepts the challenge.

Alexa Bliss vs. Nia Jax

We go back to the ring and out comes Alexa Bliss with her dark entrance theme. She heads to the ring and bounces around on the middle rope. We go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we see what happened between Charlotte Flair and Rhea Ripley. Bliss waits in the ring now as her match with Shayna Baszler is confirmed for Sunday. Out next comes Nia Jax.

The bell rings and Jax charges but Bliss kicks her legs a few times. Bliss jumps on the back of Jax but Jax ends up tossing her to the mat. Bliss does this bizarre crawl and gets back on the back of Jax. Jax gets free again in the corner. Jax charges with a big boot but misses. Bliss takes Jax down to one knee and delivers kicks to keep her down. Bliss with a right hand now. Jax shoves her away but Bliss keeps attacking with strikes. Jax comes back out of nowhere and runs over Bliss in the middle of the ring.

Jax rag-dolls Bliss some now and shakes her head. Jax with a running splash while Bliss is down in the corner. Jax with a scoop slam in the middle of the ring. Bliss kicks out at 2. Jax grounds Bliss with a submission in the middle of the ring now, rag-dolling her a bit. Bliss fights up and out but Jax runs over her with ease again. Jax goes for the leg drop but Bliss moves out of the way. Bliss sits right up and stares straight ahead. Bliss rocks Jax. Jax shoves her to the corner but hits the ring post as she charges and Bliss moves.

Bliss is on the second turnbuckle now. Reginald distracts her from the apron but this leads to Bliss countering and dropkicking Jax鈥檚 leg out. Bliss screams in Jax鈥檚 face and drops her with a DDT as Reginald watches from ringside.

Bliss goes back to the top turnbuckle now. Bliss leaps and hits Twisted Bliss. Bliss goes for the pin but Reginald runs in and pulls her off for the disqualification.

Winner by DQ: Alexa Bliss

After the bell, Reginald pleads as Bliss stares him down and backs him towards the corner. Bliss stares at Reginald like a crazy woman. He looks to be in a trance now, controlled by Bliss. Jax recovers and Bliss exits the ring, breaking Reginald鈥檚 trance at the same time. Jax tells Reginald to snap out of it as he comes to. Bliss鈥 music starts back up as she stares on from the ramp, backing her way to the stage to exit.

  WWE Monday Night Raw Results – November 2, 2020

We go right to the ring and out comes WWE Champion Randy Orton. The announcers plug the non-title match between Orton and WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns at Survivor Series on November 22. Orton hits the ring and raises the WWE Title belt as the boos get louder.

Orton takes the mic and brags on becoming a 14-time world champion 8 days ago, the best of the best. Orton says best of the best doesn’t do him any justice. He’s not just the best of the best, he proved that he is the best. Period. Fans boo. Orton says he’s better than Edge, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, John Cena, and most certainly Drew McIntyre. Orton dismisses the idea that he’s been handed anything or protected throughout his career. He insists that he’s in the position he’s in because he is the best. Orton goes on and says he’s a legend. Fans boo some more. Orton says this comes with great responsibility, but also a great big bullseye on his back. Orton welcomes that and challenges any WWE Superstar to try and take the title. He names several WWE Superstars and wants anyone to try to come take it. The music interrupts and out comes Alexa Bliss.

Bliss stares straight ahead at the camera and just smiles. Orton circles her and sizes her up. Bliss shows her hands and each glove has a word – Play on one, and Pain on the other. Bliss finally speaks and says “He” could be here. The menacing sounds of The Fiend start up as we also see some red lighting. Orton yells out and he’s ready to fight. McIntyre suddenly attacks from out of nowhere and levels Orton with a Claymore Kick. Drew gets down in Orton’s face and dares him to grant the rematch. Drew says he’s going to make Drew’s life a living hell. Drew’s music hits and he makes his exit.

The Miz and John Morrison suddenly run into the ring from over the barrier. Miz is cashing in his Money In the Bank briefcase. A referee runs down to the ring but before he can ring the bell Drew comes back in and levels both Miz and Morrison with big boots. Miz gets tossed out of the ring to the floor. Drew grabs Morrison and manhandles him over the top rope to the floor onto Miz. Drew stands tall as fans cheer him on. McIntyre takes the title and taunts Orton some more, throwing the title down at him. Drew makes his exit as the music hits. Miz still has his MITB title shot. Orton recovers from the mat as we go to commercial.

We go to the Firefly Fun House as Bray Wyatt and Alexa Bliss welcome us to a special edition of the show. Wyatt says this episode is dedicated to the three most dangerous letters in WWE – RKO. Abby The Witch says Randy Orton “can go f–k himself” but it’s bleeped out. Bliss tells Abby there’s no foul language in the Funhouse, and charges her for the Swear Jar. Abby says Bliss can also go “f–k yourself.”

Wyatt talks about how Orton was once a very, very bad man, a reference to the Wyatt Family Compound burning up a while back. Wyatt says from those ashes he was able to create a new world. Wyatt suddenly hears the screams from the burning compound in the distance as he goes into a bit of a trance, with flashbacks of Orton burning the building. Wyatt is all serious now. He says unfortunately it can’t be that simple because “He” never forgets. We see a few quick flashes of The Fiend.

Bliss says before we go, she wants to show us a new trick she’s been practicing. She asks for Wyatt’s help. He places his hand over her face, the glove that says “Heal” on it. The camera cuts to Bliss, with a red tint over the screen, staring straight ahead with a creepy look on her face. A red blood-like liquid starts oozing out of her mouth. The camera quickly cuts right back to Wyatt. He looks ahead, shocked, and says, “Oh, s–t!” The last word was also edited. That’s the end of the Firefly Fun House as we go go commercial.

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  WWE Monday Night Raw Results – October 26, 2020

Back from the break and it’s time for the Firefly Fun House. Bray Wyatt appears as we see his puppets having a tea party. Wyatt says his special guest is about to arrive. Alexa Bliss apologizes for being late, but she brought tea. Splendid!, says Wyatt. Bliss made the tea extra special, just for Ramblin’ Rabbit. He says it’s extra delicious and asks what’s in it. Strawberry, peach, sugar and a secret ingredient. Rabbit wants to know what the ingredient is. Bliss laughs and says it’s arsenic. Ramblin’ Rabbit starts dying once again. Wyatt laughs and says it looks like Bliss is fitting right in. Wyatt says he’s mad, Bliss is mad, we’re all a little mad around here. Bliss asks how he knows she’s mad. He says she wouldn’t be here if she wasn’t. He goes on about how you don’t have to run from anything here… He protects you and there’s only one thing you have to do. Bliss snaps into a trance now and looks possessed. “Let. Him. In,” she adds.

Bliss snaps back out of it and says our fun is just getting started tonight because she gets to chat with new WWE Champion Randy Orton later tonight on “A Moment of Bliss.” We see Wyatt now, staring straight ahead and apparently thinking back to the Wyatt Family Compound burning down because of Orton. Ramblin’ Rabbit comes to but Wyatt ends up beating on him with the branding iron as Bliss laughs away. Wyatt says he cannot wait to see Orton on “A Moment of Bliss” tonight because it’s going to be fire. Bliss and Wyatt wave goodbye to everyone to end the segment.

Back from the break and it’s time for tonight’s main event segment. Alexa Bliss is in the ring for the latest “A Moment of Bliss” episode. Bliss, who still has the Firefly Fun House and Bray Wyatt vibes going, welcomes us to a very special episode of her show. She says her guest went through hell last night at Hell In a Cell to win the WWE Title from Drew McIntyre. She introduces Randy Orton and out comes the new WWE Champion.

The announcers talk about how this could be a trap for Orton, set up by The Fiend and Bliss. Orton hits the corner to pose with the WWE Title belt in the air. Bliss tells Orton he can sit, promising she won’t bite, but he’d rather stand. She wants to talk about his super-duper win last night and if he thought he’d pull it off. Orton goes on about how he was not surprised by the win and what he did. He asks Bliss if she has any surprises for him. She does not. Bliss references how Orton and Drew “burned the house down” last night. Orton says there it is – burn the house down. Orton says he knows Wyatt well and he knows he’s close.

Orton asks where is The Fiend. The music interrupts and out comes McIntyre. Drew rushes the ring and starts brawling with Orton, trading big blows with each other. Bliss watches and just laughs, sitting on the top turnbuckle. Drew destroys the set and goes back to work on Orton, dropping him with a Glasgow Kiss headbutt. Bliss is still pointing and laughing. Drew waits for Orton to get up to deliver the Claymore Kick but the lights in the crowd start going out, to black. The arena is fully dark now. We hear the menacing sounds of The Fiend start up as the arena turns red. Drew is standing alone in the ring. Orton is standing on the ramp with the title over his shoulder, looking anxious. Drew stares him down from the ring. Orton senses something behind him. It’s The Fiend.

Orton knows The Fiend is there there but he keeps looking ahead at Drew. The Fiend is just staring at the back of Orton. Orton slowly walks down the ramp to the ring. Drew meets him at ringside and they go back to brawling. The red lights are gone now as Orton and Drew continue brawling around the ringside area. Orton sends Drew into the barrier. They brawl in front of the announce table now. Drew sends Orton face-first into the steel ring steps. Drew slams Orton’s face into the announce table but Orton counters and slams Drew on top of the table. Fans boo as Orton mounts Drew on top of the table. The post-Hell In a Cell edition of RAW suddenly goes off the air while Orton drops punches on Drew on top of the announce table.

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