2021/07/12   WWE Monday Night Raw Results – July 12, 2021

Alexa Bliss is backstage on Alexa’s Playground, sitting on a swing. She talks about how exciting RAW is and looks to possibly winning the Money In the Bank briefcase, and the kind of fun she can have with the contract. Eva Marie interrupts and is sitting on a swing, with Doudrop sitting behind her. Eva wants to be introduced. Bliss goes on about how she likes Doudrop’s name. They laugh about it but Eva isn’t thrilled. Bliss asks Doudrop a question, to describe her time on RAW in one word, but Eva interrupts and goes on taking credit for everything like usual, including last week’s match. Bliss calls Eva a bonus guest but she’s not happy with that idea because she’s the star of RAW, a headliner. Eva goes on and calls this a dingy, dirty, grubby, little playground. Eva says she can see why Bliss only invited Doudrop. Eva calls on Doudrop to leave with her and says the Eva-Lution deserves so much better. Doudrop waves at Bliss and walks off behind Eva as Bliss mocks Eva.

Nikki A.S.H. vs. Asuka vs. Naomi vs. Alexa Bliss

We go back to the ring for tonight’s Fatal 4 Way with the RAW entrants for the Women’s Money In the Bank Ladder Match. Out first comes Nikki A.S.H. as the music hits. She poses in the corner as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and out next comes Asuka. We see a promo from earlier in the day where Asuka rants about Money In the Bank and how no champion will be ready for her when she wins the contract. Naomi is out next. Alexa Bliss is out last.

The bell rings and Naomi dropkicks Nikki and Asuka to the floor. Naomi runs Alexa into the corner and delivers shoulders. Naomi unloads in the corner. Bliss slaps her out of the corner and ends up hitting a crossbody for 2. Asuka comes back in but as does Cross from behind with a 2 count on Asuka. Cross and Naomi tangle for a quick pin attempt. Naomi and Asuka clear the ring and are left standing now. Asuka taunts Naomi. Naomi ducks a kick and they trade big strikes in the middle of the ring now. They both nail kicks at the same time and go down.

Bliss slowly slithers back in, as does Nikki. They look up at the Money In the Bank briefcases. Nikki swings first. Nikki blocks Sister Abigail and Nikki drops her. Eva Marie and Doudrop slowly walk down the ramp now. Bliss and Nikki stare them down. Naomi attacks Nikki. Asuka takes out Naomi. Bliss drops Asuka with a DDT for a close 2 count. Bliss sit sup in the middle of the ring and wave at Doudrop, which Eva doesn’t like.

Bliss exits the ring and Eva pushes Doudrop towards her. Doudrop, possibly nervously, says some stuff to Bliss but Bliss pats her on the shoulder, then walks past her and stalks Eva up the ramp. Eva pleads. Bliss screams at Eva to make her jump. Doudrop makes the save and attacks Bliss. Doudrop coops Bliss on her shoulders and rams her into the barrier, sending Bliss over the other side of the barrier. Doudrop dusts her hands off. Eva walks over and looks down at the floor but Bliss is nowhere to be seen. Eva yells at Doudrop to know where Bliss is as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Bliss is still gone as the other three trade offense. Asuka drops Nikki, then bulldogs Naomi. She covers Nikki for a 2 count, then Naomi for a 2 count. Naomi with a big kick to Asuka’s head. Naomi scoops Nikki and drops her face-first on the mat. Naomi with a big suplex to Asuka. Naomi with a running double split on both competitors at the same time for a close 2 count. Naomi goes for a double kick but Nikki moves and Asuka takes it. Asuka kicks out at 2.

Nikki ends up dropping Naomi with a big tornado DDT from the corner. Asuka breaks the pin up at 2. Asuka and Nikki get up first. Nikki sends Asuka through the ropes to the floor. Nikki and Naomi go at it now. They tangle and Nikki applies a submission but Asuka breaks it up just in time. Asuka with the arm bar on Naomi now. Nikki breaks it with a seated senton to Asuka. All three are down and trying to recover now. Nikki goes to the top and hits a crossbody to Asuka but Naomi breaks it up just in time.

Cross sends Naomi to the apron but then runs into a big kick. Asuka drops Naomi with double knees. Niki rolls Asuka for 2. Asuka blocks another pin attempt and goes for the Asuka Lock but Nikki fights it off. Nikki turns that counter into a pin for the win.

Winner: Nikki A.S.H.

After the match, Nikki celebrates as her music hits.