2020/06/19   WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results – June 19, 2020

We see Alexa Bliss, Tamina Snuka, Dana Brooke, Naomi and Lacey Evans somewhere in the back with a wrestling ring, talking about Sasha Banks and Bayley. Evans declares herself as Bayley’s new challenger. Dana says they all deserve the chance to knock some sense into those two. Bliss stops and asks where Nikki Cross and no one seems to know. They all look round and we go back to commercial.

We go back to Sasha Banks and Bayley with the announcers. They’re excited for next week’s party with Sheamus and Jeff Hardy. Nikki Cross suddenly attacks them both from behind. Alexa Bliss finally breaks it up. Cross enters the ring and she screams about wanting a fight. It looks like Bayley might be talking Banks into another match. Back to commercial.

Sasha Banks vs. Nikki Cross

Back from the break and Sasha Banks vs. Nikki Cross is underway.

Back and forth early on. Cross takes Banks back out and in, keeping control. Cross with a bulldog for a 1 count. Banks tries for a submission but Cross keeps fighting as Alexa Bliss and Bayley cheer their partners on. Banks grounds Cross now, putting a spine to her back. Cross shuts Banks down as he tries to catapult at her.

Cross goes to the top but Banks cuts her off and works her over. Cross slams Banks’ face into the turnbuckles over and over. Cross hits a sloppy tornado DDT for a 2 count. The crowd rallies now. Cross had the suplex blocked. More back and forth now. Banks rolls Cross over into the Bank Statement in the middle of the ring. Cross fights free and rolls Banks into a 2 count.

They get back up and go at it. Cross rolls Banks for 2. Banks with a 2 count of her own. Banks tangles some more and hits a Meteora out of nowhere for the pin to win.

Winner: Sasha Banks

After the match, Bayley joins Banks on the floor and checks on her. They stand tall together as Bliss and Cross look on from the ring. Banks and Bayley stand tall with the titles in the air as their music hits.

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