Alexa Bliss vs. Mandy Rose
Back from the break and out comes Alexa Bliss with Nikki Cross. The pyro goes off as they head to the ring. We get a sidebar video with Cross and Bliss talking about being in the Royal Rumble Match. Mandy Rose is out next with Sonya Deville as Greg Hamilton does the introductions.
The bell rings and they go at it, locking up and going to the corner. Rose backs off and then nails a cheap shot. Bliss isn’t happy. Bliss backs her off and tells her to bring it. They collide and talk some trash. Rose shoves Bliss around and talks more trash, mushing her now. Bliss rocks Rose with a big shot to the face to shut her up. Bliss takes it to the corner to unload with kicks. Bliss with a drop toe hold and then a big shot to the face. Rose rams Bliss back into the corner and works her over with shoulder thrusts.
Bliss sends Rose to the apron and they tangle. Bliss slaps Rose to the floor. Fans pop for Bliss. Bliss dropkicks Rose back to the floor into the barrier. Deville hits the apron and has words with Bliss, and a staredown. Cross comes over but Deville kicks her away, allowing Bliss to knock Deville off the apron. This leads to Rose trying to capitalize for another 2 count. Rose works Bliss over while she’s down and shows off some as fans boo. Rose with more offense while Bliss is down.
Rose keeps Bliss grounded in the middle of the ring with a submission now as the referee checks on them. Bliss fights up and out, nailing a kick. Rose with a kick of her own. Rose goes for the double underhook but Bliss counters and they end up colliding once again. Both Superstars go down as their partners cheer them on from ringside.
Bliss mounts a comeback with clotheslines now. They trade slaps and Bliss drops Rose with one. Bliss shows off to the crowd for a big pop. Bliss goes on and drops the double knee to Rose for another pop. The Heavy Machinery graphics and music suddenly hits as Otis makes his way out with a cake, coming down the ramp. Tucker also comes out to stand with Otis on the ramp. Rose takes advantage of the distracted Bliss, rolling her up for the pin to win.
Winner: Mandy Rose
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