Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross are in the locker room and she apologizes to Nikki for teaming with Lacey against Bayley and Becky. Alexa says that we are not seeing the real Bayley. Bayley was awful to her when they were in NXT. Alexa says Bayley does not believe she belongs here. You can only pretend to be something for so long until people see through you. Alexa says she can be Lexi around Nikki. Nikki says she knows about being on the outside looking in. Alexa asks Nikki if she will be in her corner tonight and Nikki agrees to do it.
Match Number Three: Becky Lynch and Bayley versus Alexa Bliss and Lacey Evans (with Nikki Cross)
Bayley and Alexa start things off and Bayley runs Alexa into the turnbuckles and hits an elbow for a near fall. Alexa blocks a suplex and sends Bayley to the mat wtih an arm wringer for a near fall. Lacey tags in and hits a slingshot elbow drop for a near fall. Becky tags in and Becky with forearms. Lacey with an Irish whip and Becky floats over into a kick. Alexa tags in and they send Becky to the mat. Becky with a back heel kick and running forearm into the corner. Becky tries for an exploder but Lacey grabs Becky to stop it and pull Alexa to the floor. Bayley with a baseball slide through the corner to Lacey and Becky takes care of Alexa as we go to commercial.
We are back and Alexa punches Becky and hits the knee drop but misses the second knee drop. Becky with an enzuigiri. Lacey tags in and stops Becky from making the tag. Becky chokes Lacey and then applies a Cobra Clutch. Lacey sends Becky into the turnbuckles and hits a hesitation kick in the corner for a near fall. Lacey knocks Bayley off the apron and Becky with punches but Lacey misses a slam and Becky sends Lacey to the floor and hits a baseball slide on Lacey. Becky sends Alexa to the floor and Bayley with a forearm to Alexa. Lacey keeps Becky from making the tag and she kicks Becky in the corner.
Becky with elbows to Lacey and Lacey continues to keep Becky from making the tag. Lacey with a swinging neck breaker and gets a near fall. Lacey pulls Becky into the corner and Lacey goes for a double jump moonsault but misses when Becky moves. Bayley tags in and so does Alexa. Bayley with kicks in the corner. Bayley with another kick and sunset flip power bomb into the turnbuckles for a near fall.
Lacey pulls Nikki into the way and Lacey with a Woman’s Right to Becky. Bayley with a rollup but Alexa kicks out and Lacey with Woman’s Right. Alexa goes up top and Lacey makes the tag. Bayley gets her knees up on Twisted Bliss and Lacey gets the three count after Woman’s Right.
Winners: Lacey Evans and Alexa Bliss