2019/08/20   WWE Smackdown Live Results – August 20, 2019

Still to come, Charlotte Flair appears on “A Moment of Bliss” with the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and it’s time for another edition of “A Moment of Bliss” on the stage. Out come WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross.

Bliss welcomes us to the show and they pose with the titles. Bliss says they have been humbled by this title reign but they don’t want people to think they’ve changed – “A Moment of Bliss” will always welcome the less fortunate and give a platform to those who don’t have titles, but tonight is a little different because her guest requested to be on the show. Bliss asks everyone to give it up for The Queen and the nine-time champion as Charlotte Flair makes her way out.

Flair looks at her seat and says this seems like the wrong chair. She points to the KOTR throne and says that’s more like it. She takes a seat with Bliss anyway. Bliss says the recent SummerSlam match with WWE Hall of Famer Trish Stratus was like a passing of the torch. Flair says she took the torch. Flair goes on about proving she’s the Queen of all eras and the face of the SmackDown women’s division. Bliss says some people would say the face is the champion, currently Bayley. Flair says people say a lot of things but facts are that Bayley might be champion but Flair is the brand. She says WWE doesn’t send Bayley to red carpet event with her side ponytail and high-fives. Flair says she’s marketable but Bayley is not, which is why they send her to do premieres and media, because she is SmackDown. Fans respond with some wooo’s and some boos. Flair says Bayley is an afterthought, which is why the title and the division are afterthoughts right now. The music interrupts and out comes Bayley.

Bayley tells Flair to stop with the same bragging and insults, that we hear over and over. She says it sounds like a bunch of excuses because at the end of the day, I am the champion, which means she is better than Flair, and that just eats Flair up inside. Flair asks Bayley if she even knows how people feel about her and the title. The crowd pops. Flair tells her not to take her word for it, but go back and look what everyone was talking about at SummerSlam – Flair vs. Trish, not Bayley vs. Ember Moon. Flair says Bayley has de-valued the title and now she has to clean up her mess when she beats her at Clash of Champions. Bayley says if that’s a challenge, she accepts, and she can’t wait to do everyone a favor by shutting Flair’s mouth up. Bayley says she forgot one more thing that’s very important… she shoves Flair’s stool over and she falls to the ground. Bayley looks down at Flair and smiles before walking off.

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