2022/05/16   WWE Monday Night RAW Results – May 16th, 2022

The commentary team set up a recap of Sonya Deville’s contract as a WWE official being terminated and Alexa Bliss making her return to quickly defeat Deville.

Alexa Bliss makes her entrance and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break, Sonya Deville makes her entrance.

Alexa Bliss vs. Sonya Deville

Deville is aggressive from the start and backs Bliss into the corner. Bliss slaps Deville in the face, ducks a clothesline, and hits a dropkick. Bliss drops a double knee on Deville but misses an attempted backflip into another double knee. Deville rolls her up for a 2-count. Deville is jawing at Bliss and she beats on her. Deville goes to a chin lock and grounds Bliss. Bliss fights back to her feet and elbows out of it. Bliss hits a lawbreaker but Deville cuts her off again and his a running knee to her face for a 2-count.

Deville removes the top turnbuckle pad. She slams Bliss down with a spinebuster but the referee was repairing the turnbuckle pad and Bliss kicks out at 2. Commentary thinks Deville had Bliss beaten. Bliss quickly turns the tide and finishes off Deville with her DDT for the pin.

Winner: Alexa Bliss via pinfall

Deville argues with the referee after the match. She finally slaps the ref in the face and leaves the ring. The commentary team says there will be consequences for that.