2020/08/14   WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results – August 14, 2020

Back from the break and Nikki Cross is pacing backstage when Alexa bliss walks up. Cross hugs her and apologizes for pushing her down two weeks ago and everything else. She asks what’s been going on but Bliss says she’s fine. Cross wants to get Bliss to safety because of The Fiend but Bliss says she wants to stay around here and get some answers from WWE Universal Champion Braun Strowman. Bliss walks off.

We see Alexa Bliss backstage preparing for her sitdown interview. Back to commercial.

Cole sends us to Alexa Bliss backstage. She’s being interviewed by an unknown interviewer. She talks about how she previously got to know WWE Universal Champion Braun Strowman. We see some clips from their past together. She says Strowman is awesome, a good man, funny and witty, protective, passionate. They get along so well because they call each other on their crap. They can be fun with each other and be best friends. The interviewer asks if she thought it would become more than a friendship, like romantically? She asks. She says maybe because they both cared about each other. He asks if that’s why “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt targeted her. She doesn’t know, that’s a question for The Fiend. He asks what it’s like to be in The Fiend’s presence. She says it’s scary, terrifying, and also compelling. She says once you’ve interacted with The Fiend, it’s almost like you can just feel his presence. For the first time in her life she understands what they say when they say “a moth to a flame.” We see Braun’s comments from last week where he told The Fiend that he doesn’t give a damn about Bliss, all he cares about is destroying The Fiend because he is The Monster. He asks Bliss how that made her feel. Bliss thinks about it and doesn’t say anything. She just looks away and the interview ends. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and WWE Universal Champion Braun Strowman is in the ring with his new bald look.

Strowman delivers a message to “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt and says he warned him after the Swamp Fight that he would bet he most evil son of a b—h we’ve ever seen. Strowman calls The Fiend to the ring so he can rip him from limb to limb. Strowman says he will be the last thing The Fiend sees before he eats out his entrails. The music hits and out comes Alexa Bliss instead.

Bliss says at the risk of upsetting Braun more, she thinks she owes it to their friendship to have a conversation. He asks about what. She doesn’t believe his comments from last week when he said he doesn’t give a damn about her. She says they’ve been friends for years but he disagrees, saying she used him as a pawn. Strowman goes on about how Bliss played him for some clown. He says everyone can get it now, including Bliss. He tells her to get out of his ring so he can deal with The Fiend. She tells him to be careful for what he wishes for. She threatens to slap some sense into him if he won’t listen. She yells at him to look at her when she’s talking. Strowman turns but she starts slapping him over and over, telling him to wake up.

Strowman scoops Bliss and presses her high above his head. The lights start going out as Strowman still has Bliss held above his head. It sounds like The Fiend is making his arrival. Strowman yells and asks where he is. Strowman tosses Bliss through the air right as the lights go out all the way. The red lights come back up and we see Bliss down on the mat, but didn’t actually see Strowman throw her to the mat. The Fiend is standing over Bliss but there’s no sign of Strowman. The Fiend looks around and Strowman appears on the big screen. He’s just laughing. The Fiend clutches his own head and starts laughing in his mask. Braun keeps laughing until he yells out at The Fiend. The Fiend looks up from Bliss as he and Strowman stare at each other, Strowman still on the big screen. The screen flashes with a shot of The Fiend and we hear him say “Let me in!” as SmackDown goes off the air.

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