2020/06/06   WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results – June 5, 2020

WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles Match: Sasha Banks and Bayley vs. Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross

We go to the ring for tonight’s main event and out first comes WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross. Sasha Banks and SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley are out next.

The bell rings and Cross attacks Bayley to start. Cross goes right to work and tags in Bliss. Bliss slams Bayley to the mat and drops knees to the gut. Cross comes back in for a basement dropkick and a 2 count. Cross sends Bayley into the corner and keeps control. Bliss tags in and mocks Banks, then slaps Bayley to the mat in the corner. Bayley blocks a suplex and talks some trash to Bliss. Bayley rams her into the corner and in comes Banks.

Banks goes to work on Bliss now. Bayley tags back in and slaps Bliss in the face while she’s being held. Bliss rolls Bayley up for a 2 count at one point. Bliss rams Bayley into the corner and tags in Cross. Cross drops Bayley again for a 2 count. Bayley goes to the floor for a breather but Cross stays on her, then sends Banks into the ring post. Cross with a crossbody from the apron to Bayley on the floor. Bayley and Banks end up sending Cross to the floor from the apron. Banks tags in and delivers a Meteora to Cross on the floor. We go to commercial with Banks standing tall.

Banks and Bayley with a big double team to Cross after the break. Bayley covers for a 2 count. Bayley keeps control as Bliss tries to rally for her partner. Bliss finally gets the hot tag and unloads on both challengers. Bliss takes them both down with strikes and a dropkick. Bliss with knees and more knees to Bayley while she’s down. Bliss goes to the top for Twisted Bliss but Banks runs over on the apron. Bliss kicks her away but Bayley uses the distraction to rock Bliss up top.

Bayley climbs up and talks trash, then delivers a Bayley-to-Belly from the second rope. Banks comes in with a running knee to Bliss but she still kicks out at 2. Banks shows some frustration. Bliss turns it back around on Banks, sending her into the turnbuckle. Cross runs interference and ends up dropping Bayley on the floor with a big tornado DDT. Bliss drops Banks on her head with a Sunset Bomb for another close 2 count in the middle of the ring. Cross tags in and goes to the top for a crossbody on Banks. Banks kicks out at 2. Banks crawls for a tag but Bayley is still down on the floor.

Banks blocks Cross’ slingshot neckbreaker.. Banks with a Backstabber after Bayley tags in. Bayley comes in and there’s some miscommunication with Banks. Banks goes to the floor and looks shocked at Bayley as she tries to make Cross submit. Cross gets out and drops Bayley for a 2 count as Banks makes the save. More back and forth now. Banks with the Backstabber on Cross in the middle of the ring. Bayley stops Bliss from coming back in the ring. Cross and Banks tangle on the mat and it ends with Banks rolling Cross up with a Crucifix for the pin to win the titles.

Winners and New SmackDown Tag Team Champions: Sasha Banks and SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley

After the match, Banks and Bayley celebrate with the titles as the music hits. Bayley runs around with both titles and yells at the announcers like a fool. Bliss asks Cross what happened and she’s frustrated. Banks and Bayley continue celebrating with the titles. Banks holds her title in the air while Bayley screams about her titles being too heavy. SmackDown on FOX goes off the air.

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